Please be aware that the prices listed are intended as a general guide, and may vary based on the specifics of each case. We ensure that all patients receive a detailed quote with the costs outlined before treatment begins. For a more comprehensive list of prices, we invite you to visit our website or inquire at the reception.​
New patient consulation
£80 ( plus X-rays 13 each )
Routine examination
Simple scale & polish ( in combo with exam appointment )
Emergency consultation
from £105
Children (ages 3-16) exam
Children under 3
FREE (if seen during parent's appointment)
Oral Hygiene & Periodontal Services
Hygiene Care (separate appointment)
Supportive Care
Periodontal Care
from £150
Dependant on complexity
£2,500 - £4000
Fillings (dependant on size)
£103 - £206
Crowns, Inlays, Veneers & Bridges
Per single unit
from £675
Root Canal Treatment
Dependant on number of roots treated
From £328 (single root)
Dentures/ Dental Appliances
Denture dependant on type
from £826
Snoring Solution appliance
from £700
Sport gum shields
from £140
Dependant on tooth
£130 - £227
Tooth whitening
Dependant on system used
from £431